HOA property owners:

There are on-going meetings and discussions on important Fremont county budget, transportation and Planning & Zoning items concerning short term rentals. Many meeting are on Zoom and some may be open to the public. To stay informed, please visit the Facebook page of the Involved Property Owners of Island Park. If you have questions, send an email to them at ippropertyowners@gmail.com. Follow their weekly column in the Island Park News and on Facebook.

You may also contact your Fremont County officials directly.

These are the email addresses.

Fremont County Planning and Building Administrator Tom Cluff, tcluff@co.fremont.id.us
Fremont County Sheriff Len Humphries, lhumphries@co.fremont.id.us
Fremont County Emergency Services coordinator Keith Richey, krichey@co.fremont.id.us
Fremont County Landfill Director Brandon Harris, bharris@co.fremont.id.us
Fremont County Public Works Director (sewer/road/water issues) Brandon Harris bharris@co.fremont.id.us
Fremont County Clerk Abbie Mace, amace@co.fremont.id.us

Consider copying all messages to:


Jordan Stoddard, jstoddard@co.fremont.id.us
Blair Dance, bdance@co.fremont.id.us
Scott Kamachi, skamachi@co.fremont.id.us
Rick Hill, rhill@myidahomail.com

If these issues are important to you, now is the time to act. We want to make sure Island Park property owners are active and involved. If you have a priority, let the county officials know. They work for us.

Follow weekly column in the Island Park News and on Facebook