Annual Meeting Minutes 2023


At 9:30 A.M. President Mitch Jacobs called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.

Introductions were made and it was determined that we had a quorum.

BUSINESS: President Jacobs

   1. P & L was reviewed showing snow removal being our big expense, this year being about double with the wind and snow so bad. The water users also had more repairs and expense. Because of power outages insurance was able to defray some of those costs.  

  The accounts receivable are way down, thanks to Doug, and   when necessary, he files liens. 

     2.  Road improvements and fence repairs continue to be a top priority. With the heavy construction going on what ever improvements we make doesn’t seem to last very long. A major rainstorm and big trucks raise havoc on the infrastructure. Snow machines and snow equipment are always tearing up fences. There was discussion of the need to do more upkeep around the Park and open spaces,   buildings and fencing etc. With the increase in dues last year we are hoping to have enough to create funds to set aside and earmark for these ongoing improvements.


     1. Website: 

     2. To reach for members only page, login or use the Contact page to request one. 

     3. Every cabin/lot owner MUST submit their information via the website at: This needs to stay current and updated when property changes. So many properties take title in different entities that it is critical  we have contact information for emergencies.

     4.  HOA dues/assessments may be paid by credit card through the  members page of the website.

OTHER BUSINESS:  President Jacobs

Mark Elstad was appointed by the board to replace Darren Josephson and the floor was open to ratify him for the balance of Darren’s term. It was unanimous. Nominations were open for a new board opening as Kirk Jacobs term was up. Lewis Newman nominated Kirk Jacobs to stay on, Mike Wilcox 2nd it and it was unanimous.


Mike Mielky made a motion to let those that want to in Eagle View Subdivision to  pay a fee so they can utilize our facilities, boat docks parks. Matt Jones 2nd  but motion failed.

Mike Mielky, chair of the Road committee, made a motion for a special assessment of $1500. for road repair and upkeep. Mike Wilcox 2nd,

Motion failed.

Sue Wood made a motion to charge $1,000 up front fee at the beginning of all new construction to help defray infrastructure fees. Mike Mielky 2nd and after discussion motion failed.

Marilyn Fife made a motion (again) to lower our speed limit to 15 mph. She indicated we had the highest speed of all the local subdivisions and with ALL the construction traffic it would help with road maintenance and dust. Sue Wood 2nd and while it increased this year the motion FAILED again.

Some of the trees in the subdivision have a fungus and it was suggested that you have someone look at your trees and, if necessary, have sprayed spring and fall as it spreads fast.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 A.M.